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Our curriculum is really practical and we do some great things in classrooms but even better things outdoors!  Best of all pupils get qualifications in all these things.

Have a look at some of our fantastic lessons.


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We help pupils to become Ambitious, Capable Learners through being brave and learning about new things



We help pupils to become Enterprising, Creative Contributors by teaching how things are made, grown and fixed

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We help our pupils to become Ethical, Informed Citizens by learning about the world around us, taking responsibility and having respect for others


We help our pupils on their journey to become lifelong Healthy, Confident individuals through a love of the outdoors, taking care of them, working as a team and making friends




@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 26
Spot the signs?You can pass information 100% anonymously at
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 22
🥳 We’re very proud!
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 20
Free weekly activity and sports sessions for young people aged 11-17 include cricket, basketball, rugby, football, and more in various locations around Cardiff during the summer holidays. Book now:
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 19
We are with our pupils, every step of the way. Some need a hand hold, some are blazing a trail… If we had one photo to sum up our school, this is it. Taken just earlier this month halfway up Yr Wyddfa. 🥹Well done everyone on another great year. Be safe over the summer. ❤️
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 19
We are thrilled that we have been awarded Championship Status for the making us one of only nine schools nationally to receive this prestigious award!What a way to end the school year! Hugest of thanks to our amazing staff team who make Greenhill a great place to be.❤️
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 18
One of our favourite days in the whole year…Prize Day. What an utter joy to celebrate all our amazing learners. ❤️Diolch to all who came to support. It was lovely to see the hall so full! Boys… we are so proud. 🥰
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 18
's Summer with a DIFF'erence for ages 11-25 is an action-packed event program with physical activities, outdoor activities, community events and Aqua Park & White Water Centre takeover:
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 17
Young creators aged 11-17 can join the Digital Summer Camp for 2 weeks of digital storytelling, video production, special effects & more with award-winning US filmmakers. Supported by learn from and visit !
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 15
Calling all children, young people, parents and carers!!!! This is your chance to have a say on the future of local health services. 📢
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
We had a very special Governor meeting this evening. We unveiled our memorial bench for our late Governor, neighbour and friend, Stan. For many years, Stan joined the boys daily in our dinner hall to have lunch. He told them tales of being a pilot in the war. He was so loved 💚.
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
…… only THE KING!!!!! 👑 And we actually made on to the 6 o’clock news!!! Another memory to last a lifetime! How brilliant! 🤩
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
The morning started nicely with fun and games in the skate park down the Bay. The team decided to wander over towards the Senedd. You won’t believe who they bumped in to…………………………….
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
All the children and staff were offsite having fun today. Luna and Sampson stayed in school and also had fun….Mr Mock took them for a giant game of ‘fetch’! 😁🎾🐶
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
A gorgeous morning at the seaside for some of the Ely team today. We went on the train to Barry Island, dug a massive hole, played in the arcade and had the best ever chips before heading home again. It was a pleasure to be with you, lads. ❤️
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 11
Wonderful to see the 'Stanley Whittaker Bates' bench unveiled today . Stan was a long time resident who enjoyed having lunch with the pupils. He joined the Governing Body & contributed so much. This bench was made by the staff & pupils in his memory.
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 10
Last session of the school year with our fabulous resident artist, Anne. Artwork created with tissue paper and water looked really effective and boys enjoyed creating. And just look how brilliantly our totem pole turned out now it’s fired and glazed!
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 10
Look at this incredible artwork made by D!! He created this using spray paints. It looks even better in the flesh. Da Iawn i ti D. 🧑‍🎨⭐️🪐
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 10
We are very pleased to announce that the team have reached the very grey and cloudy summit of Yr Wyddfa! An amazing achievement for them all… amazing guys…. Memories made to last a lifetime. Massive thanks as always to all staff. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤️ (thanks for the pics Josh !)
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 9
A lovely morning in Victoria Park for some of the gang. Luckily it didn’t rain, but the boys got soaking wet anyway, playing in the splash park! Good job everyone! We love seeing you enjoying yourselves. 🥰
@GreenhillSchoo1 - Jul 8
Tomorrow, some very lucky learners make the long trip to Eryri to climb Yr Wyddfa! We had an assembly today to look at where they’ll be going and to hear from some learners who went last year. Have the best time guys… we can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back! 🏔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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